in Art One step upTwo stairs More by Johndavisnearby July 15, 2018, 11:07 am 116 Views 5 Votes 4 Comments Share Tweet Pin One Step up Two stairs more Rush a cloud Light footed & humble not Proud Sail past the Moon Space has a Door Follow the planets the Stars tremble a future to Explore Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionReport What do you think? 5 Points Upvote Downvote Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page Share Tweet Pin Written by Johndavisnearby POEMS from Earth: Scot Irish Czech BARD Hush little Humans-Don't U CRY Earth sings U a Lullaby Born HOUSTN TX Age 80 GEM Pic1985 Rear Apt 2227 South ST 4 Comments I have the same question as Robin. We are step-in guy to what. We will see eventually. Crazy typos… “We are stepping up to what” To Carol DM: Agreed. But curious is a basic need. 1 What will bring us the future?
I have the same question as Robin. We are step-in guy to what. We will see eventually.
Crazy typos… “We are stepping up to what”
To Carol DM: Agreed. But curious is a basic need.
What will bring us the future?