There is no absolute truth. Every form of truth, universal or accepted truth, is tainted with lies – doctored, spun to suit someone else’s interest and ideal. A man can only see either the front or the hind of an elephant; so, how can he know the absolute truth? He only have a piece of the truth. Not the wholeness of the truth. Therefore, not an absolute truth. At best, any truth, thus, is an illusion.
Do you or don’t you agree? Tell me your thoughts in you-know-where-to-write-your-comment-section.
Or you can read my full rant here.
Mathematics proves that there is absolute truth. For example, two plus two always equals four.
In mathematics, that is. Outside mathematics, 2+2 can be equal to 5 especially where politics is concerned ??. The article above was written with politics in mind ? but that thought also applies to religion and many aspects of life.
Wonderful post. Thanks
a wonderful post …..
A great post as always , M’Lady III
Thank you for sharing !!!
So glad to see you here Sir Knight! I hope you have settled nicely in your new home and I hope you still get to visit Abby, the little pixie.
This is quite true. Then again, who’s truth is this? 😀
Nice post…and that’s the truth.
It is a piece of the truth I found deep within the forest ??? nice punchline eh — will catch up with your posts when I get back to normal life. Sorry for that — fam emergency — no wifi inside the hospital and data signal is bleh
I was about to say that you wrote some truthful words. But what is truth? Hehe, great post!
Dearest Ellie, if it is me you are talking with, it is a good rule of the thumb not to believe a thing — who knows maybe I missed lunch while writing that ??? hey, will catch up with your post when I get back to blogging. Sorry for that sweetie ?
I have to agree with the others here. None of us really know 100% the truth but I try my best to stay as close to 100% as possible. There is always a gray area.
According to Kierkegaard, what is important are the truths we believe in because at our death bed, those are the only things that will matter to us.
That makes complete sense to me. I agree with you.
Your posts have been missed.
The message was very thought-provoking. I know someone that makes her own truth when she knows it is not.
Thank you LaJenna — I will participate in your challenges when I get back — I hope that would be sooner than later ?
I agree completely! It’s all about perspective and everyone’s perspective differs, even if only slightly. Great post, HarpingByAPixie!
Thank you Windy Grace — will catch up with your posts when I get back to blogging — poor signal inside the hospital
No worries <3 I hope you're okay!!!
It is my dad who is not okay; I am only the glorified caregiver ??? if you like you can paste here a link to your post — i was looking for you in the feed but nothing there
No worries <3 We'll catch up when you return. Sending Love, Light, & HUGE Hugs to you and your Dad! Caregiving is a labor of love 😉 You're doing an awesome job! Lighting some candles for you both <3
There is Black, White and various degrees of Grey and many colours. Interesting post, truth is a view point. There are concrete fact and some indiscriminate.
I agree Pamela Moresby; the gray areas are the source of confusion — thank you for dropping by — will catch up with your posts when I get back to blogging — poor signal inside the hospital
The truth is, they’re both going to jail
You’re probably be right, but I’m betting it’s me first before either of you.
I don’t want any of that action
Oh do let us know if you get in first, we will send ya food and visit you from time to time hahaha — will catch up with your posts later — thanks for dropping by
Ohhh the issue of jailing anyone — it all rest on who and what party is running the government — the losing party goes to jail — sad thing, all mummery, and in the meantime, progress is put on hold while they are all arguing errrr projecting that they care about the country and its people?
Power to the people! Workers of the world unite!
Lol! That slogan belongs to people in their 20s Mr. A — people who are more idealist than realist. In the world of power and greed, ideals will only get you up to a certain point ?. I say better call your vampires and Goths instead ?
if everyone has the same ideal, it will get you wherever you want to go. it got us as far as the moon…
The keyword is IF ?. However, centuries come and go and the now 7billion faces are still asleep. Your “workers of the world unite” slogan is actually the theme of my 3 poems which I will submit as entries to someone who is calling for free submission of works calling on change.
damn close to eight billion though…
Thank you………………………………..hahahahaha you know I’m teasing luvyah 😛
Yes , she is , and you are !!! LOL !!!
Nice to be sharing with you again .
Hahaha yeah you know how am I. Let us pick up the debate about the creation and the creator again hahaha
I read your post but did not quite understand the root cause of it hahaha anyway she downvoted one of my posts too — hahahaha. It is fun thing when peeps find something you do that they dislike lol. Carol Taylor told me no thing is good thing if it does not offend anyone lol ??
Hahahaha! I actually remember you coz of that spat with that nice person ???. Let it pass – not worthy of attention. Maybe she is having a bad day and just feel like downvoting ???. Not a big thing, really. Just remember Carol’s wisdom ?.
My comment up there about the creator/creation was in reply to Gary – he is a friend back in Niume days and I used to spar words with him just for the heck of beating a dead horse ???
I laughed out loud reading this article! Hands and feet clap in unison! You definitely know my answer! Please guess or laugh out loud!
The question I want to ask is if you read the full rant — the quote was actually part of one of my very rare political ranting that was published in The Ugly Writers where I am one of the authors. But I guess I know which part made you laugh. Carol Taylor is used to my antics like that. As I said, blame my pixie nature.
Hmmm… You have to continue your writing style! I love when someone talks about something that provoking thoughts, like this writing.
When I write, my friend, the intention is to declutter my mind and put things in a perspective I understand — if it provokes thinking, it comes as “side effect” only ???
I used to like sucking pots, drunk is just a side effect.
I prefer to tell the truth in the eyes of the people. That is why many of them are not a wanted interlocutor.
I have a feeling you do — and I rather enjoy your Onassis article and the marriage contract made me laugh. Thank you for dropping by Elenka. If I forget to visit your posts, do give me a nudge — I will welcome that.