
Ocean Photography in Tahiti

Friday, September 14, 2018

At 7 pm, I checked out a Canon workshop, a French photographer who lives in Tahiti displayed his ocean photography. Ben Thouard has been living and working in Tahiti for ten years with his family. His book Surface costs $80. He signed his book for people who bought a copy. All the photographs in the book were shot in Tahiti.

Sunrise and Sunset hours have the best lighting for photography. During these hours, you can create artistic effects in ocean photography.

Teahuwo is a huge wave in Tahiti.

Slow shutter speed is used for taking surfing photographs.

When working with fisheye lens, he uses his spit and saliva to clean his lens.

Fast shutter speed is used for creating artistic effects.

Also, at this workshop was AquaTech Imaging Solutions because they were displaying the fisheye lens.

I took some iPhone snapshots at the Canon gallery…

These photos were on a lightboard…


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