
MOTHER in Metamorphosis by John Davis Spring 1955

I came upon her yesterday

Her hair a silver ‘kerchief in the wind

Her lips less than a smile

Her face a light with wrinkled shadows

Her knees two small folds beneath her gown

her feet small slabs upon the steps-

Her gaze as sharp as ice in sunlit trees,

Her hand upon her breast-one almost within…

As if to shield the stricken twins,

That locked the death-bringer within her chest!

Yet she shared as brave

the calm of lingering days

when beauty emboldens the hours of spring.

Then morning shifted sudden to cornered light…

and bewildering shadows of nearing night…
Shocking came the shrill birds and blowing birds

and shoots that shook their young sharp heads

Green against a heart red with pain!

And the cutting sky- that drowned in blue

the colors that cowered from all we knew

frowning now with awful brow!


What do you think?

Written by Johndavisnearby

POEMS from Earth:
Scot Irish Czech BARD Hush little Humans-Don't U CRY Earth sings U a Lullaby Born HOUSTN TX Age 80 GEM Pic1985 Rear Apt 2227 South ST

One Comment

  1. My mother found she had breast cancer on a gray
    and cold November Day
    She lingered 20 years more
    and we loved her
    all the way
    past heaven’s sad door
    No greater saint lived
    than love for her children she Bore

    Added to Mother and Metamorphosis
    written in 1955

    When I was 18