O quiet sensible friend
I know you can feel
the purity without lies
I know what you can or
can not find in the crowd
and on the walls of the city
therefore I do not judge you
for anything either
because I know
who’s take care of you as a companion
and keeping you from within.
(If tomorrow I come before you
as a yellow leaf
You do not even have to say
or reply to my greeting
but through your eyes,
I will come in your dreams
just to say;
In Lak’ech Ala K’in.)
Illustration by Albert Herdie – Digital painting from part of Deep Within series – Warm Heart.
Leaf, bird, cloud or aura, I’d know you, here, any city or Tethys and spend time over tea and anchovies…
Our tea time with anchovy is the eternal banquets of life. I’ll always be in your tea and you’re in my coffee, black or with sugar. We are the same ghost that dissolves in water or compound with oxygen in the air.
We are only thoughts, across time and space. Atomic dust dots, cast at lights’ standard pace. Fates made a date bringing us to this place, to elate and make great, grinning grace on each face. Existential, ethereal, ephemeral and excellent!
Yeah! It is fate that has brought us together all the time, so far, where the coincidence is only the words of the master of ignorance.
That would explain this uncontrollable grin….
Let me embrace that grin as a sign of eternal happiness
Sometimes, I fear, illegal…SpLaSh!
Hello brother fish, long enough we do not chatter!
Hello my avian adviser. Always good to feel the feather light wisdom of the sky soaring sort.
Forgive my recent taciturn nature, as I’ve been a bit preoccupied with a Beada Beada problem.
Still, I require intelligent engagement as no man is a planet. Nor fish.
I also enjoy your work, Bucko!
I Just never know when. Such is this life.
Hows the water there? Swim, swim,…>-=^;>
Though it’s often hard to fly for rain often the birds here are fine, and in the meantime, the water around me is still fine, well once in a while my feathers get wet, but that’s okay. Thank you…
Wet won’t hurt. Do not mess with ground breaking…Fish! I’m still shocked by your shock. I don’t really get a lot of news time, I had no idea. Not that there was anything…I’m concerned and relieved simultaneously…and it’s new for me.
Much love my bird brother, I tear with it.
You are so right my fish brother, for I am not a water creature then your advice is my compass, thank you. But no need to worry too much with my feather because I’m also a little worried about the fish siblings if he was too tired to swim too far away but gave no news. May the water of life always overflow you, fish brother.
Thank you, as ever. May, the glee of iridescence exceed your spree of effervescence, my breeze agile friend.
Learning from the water in your neighborhood, I just learned to flow calmly into a low place, without forcing the will of let alone dismantling the rocks, pulling the grass or even just to stirring the mud.
“Stealthy stalking”, laying in wait for the bait. A melding or dissolving into a calm, Natural state. Each movement, a prayer, our intent would indicate. And with another which to share makes great, what we can relate.
I thank you for your gentle Nature, bubbles…
I thank you for your humility filled with kindness.
A fin swirl and a grin curl…
Love your spirit and your words!
Owh… What a great compliment! Thank you very much for the love, Rachel
Beautiful. I had to read it a few times.
Reading your comments, I feel more and more acquainted with you. Thank you for your appreciation, Della.
Haha. I sense a referral here. The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated. 😉
It is very deep, but the deepest is the need to be sure that their “life” is meaningful.
Ahhh.. The Living Code of the Heart.
Beautiful as always.
Ahhh… Finally, someone mentioned it clearly!
Thank you so much, Carol.
Thank you for sharing this with us all
In Lak’ech Ala K’in, LaJenna
Wow beautiful colors Albert ☺️
Thank you very much, Arsalan my friend
I do not know a friend of beautiful autumn colors, but what exactly would a nice friend say?
Hello Lado, my friend. We have no autumn because we have only two seasons here. If you ask me about the contents of my poetry, it is just talking about the reality of our unity, in the “shadow” of the Almighty.
the colors look soft and peaceful, like a serene autumn day and calmness.
Aw… Thank you very much for your appreciation, Fifi