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I bend to no power
I bow to no human
I bend and bow
only to whom
I consider my god
and you are not that
so if you try to be one
you will get
anything other than
bending & bowing
be prepared for that
and it may include
an attempt
to get you in ghost mode
and you know how
that mode is attained.
See the iron fist here at close angles !
Likewise I respect no human label
I respect only ace traits and work
I flushed flattery and fake respect out of system’
decades back
you would be lame
if you came
flaunting your label
at me while
you are a dullard ,womanizer and a drunkard
in short, a worm of a fetid drain
Your label may be on you
pinned by your ego
but I will
relocate it for you
from ‘ón you’
to “inside you”
shoving for me is rather easy
after all!