
Feel That Fire ~ Poem

Photo via Pixabay

Feel That Fire ~ by Courtney Dutton

Oh, how I like to feel that fire,

Coursing through my veins

Taking me closer to the bottom,

and I can feel its powerful flame

Oh, how I need to feel that fire

sometimes it’s the only thing that can keep me sane

I need to feel it raging through the bad days

because without it, it feels like I’m in a drought waiting for rain

Oh, how I long to feel that fire

I am ascending towards the bottom

I need something to take me away from this chaos

I don’t need to go down any further than I have already gone

Oh, how I want to feel that fire,

To know that I am alive

I am sure these flames can grow higher

and I know that with time and patience I can survive

Oh, how I want to feel that fire

I am starting to come back to life

I long to feel its passion

because I know everything will be alright


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