
Boxing bag

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Hahaha you are my boxing bag

you allow me to box at free will

problem is that you try to track me

and read each word that I write

invading my privacy a lot

(which is a huge crime if proven in your name)

I write without names

and identifiers

and if you think it pertains to you

then you must be the culprit

that I am hunting for

since long

claim that you are

the subject of my poetry

and I would confront you in person

ROFL anyways

you are helping me in writing poems

by becoming an easy topic as well

remember, I do not simply write poems

but am making all things ready

to get you in a court/prison!

It’s not a dream errr a nightmare about future

when we go about it

it will happen soon, mark that.

LOL to that


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.


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