
Ape to Man History

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This rod is made of wood

wood came from the forest

where two tribals sat,

who lived in the forest

both of them had

bow and arrows

which again came from the forest

at night the moon shone over the forest

there was a pond in the forest

birds came from the forest

animals also lived in forests

one was a monkey,

who was already eating off the forest,

he thought this far

and no more

his conclusion

was all live in forests

all resources are from forests

so he also stayed back

one brother of this monkey

strayed to city

and we all came from him

and now stay in cities!

Hahahaha a simple Ape to Man history


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Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.