
Am I adorable?

At 350 lbs

a zoo guerrilla

stopped and behaved

as if she was a sisterly friend

with lips thick like

hanging knee skin

and cheeks like plateaus

and teeth like crocodile’s

she hoped everybody would like

well, if spoken word is sweet

and polite and temperament

amiable;yet guys may say aye

but with a devilish scream

and violence on mind

a hybrid of confusion

between a male

and a wrestling female

all males shied

advising her

to pore in a mirror

for first-hand feedback

instead, she grew irate

and had the guys in the sack !


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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