I wished for my own pet since ages ago but until this year I didn’t have the courage to get one. Anyway I don’t regret the decision…it was the best thing that happened to me this years. He changed my life …He made me feel so much better about myself.
But ever since I got him it made me pay more attention to people’s behavior towards pets. This makes me wonder: How sadistic one must be in order to put a kitty into a plastic bag….tie it with a knot and simply abandon it wherever you feel like???? How do such people get to sleep at night?
Or perhaps they need some serious mental health.
I’m aware it occurs, yet shudder and shake my head to understand why. Great question.
Anyone who harms a small human or animal needs help since cats and dogs are a human’s best friend.
Needs to be punished
I agree with you on this post.
I don’t understand how anyone can be mean to any animal.
Me neither…they are so sweet
People that do this are unbalanced, and usually move onto bigger prey, like a person.
what kind of punishment do you think they deserve?
The same. But, in all reality, jail time.
They deserve to do jail time indeed
Animal cruelty and neglect is a jailable offense here in the states.