
Protect Wildlife Before It’s Too Late

Wednesday, 11.21.18

Last night, I went on an evening hike at Turtle Rock. That night, I felt it is start to be cold. I wore my very long knit scarf I loomed and an slouch beanie/beret I loomed. While walking I realized I probably should start wearing my gloves. But usually by the end of the walk, I am sweaty and hot. While walking down from this hilly area in this snapshot, I noticed a dog walking off by itself toward the other direction. At first, I was worried because it might be a homeless dog or stray, then I thought it might be a dog playing fetch with its owner. As I walked more and kept looking at it until it disappeared from my view, I realized it was a coyote, and it was scared when it heard our walking group coming that way. Coyotes are scared of people. I hope no one will kill it. I feel sorry for wildlife. They need a wildlife sanctuary before some motherfucker kills it. I don’t even hear about wolves anymore. They are probably already killed off, and maybe even extinct. This is sick!

At 8:30 pm, I returned home and relaxed at my computer, working on different stuff.


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