Even though the Pit Bulls get a bad rap from the mainstream media which in my view is unfair since dogs react to the way they are brought up by their owners by puppies since I have firsthand experience when my relatives and myself went to animal shelters to adopt a dog many years ago.
If there is one great quality of Nellie, who is a five year old female Pit Bull, is that she is willing to sacrifice her life to defend her owner who is Jane Taylor who adopted Nellie six months when Nellie was taken away from an animal shelter in California by a small volunteer rescue organization called “Final Frontier Rescue Project.” four years ago.
Nellie showed off her loyalty to her owner Jane when they went for a hike in a rock dome in Texas, when Nellie and Jane were returning to her auto on a path that was not safe to walk on, a rattlesnake appeared.
Jane panicked when she saw the rattlesnake, Nellie stood between her owner and had a brief battle with the rattlesnake which ended with Nellie getting bit on her face.
Thanks to a close friend who was with Jane, they managed to carry Nellie to her auto and take her to a local veterinarian so Nellie could be cured by being treated with antibiotics and antivenom after her incident with the rattlesnake which happened in March.
Thanks to the quick actions of Jane and her friend to take Nellie to the veterinarian to be cured from her rattlesnake bite, Nellie is making a full recovery.
Nellie will be in the company of Jane for the future since Nellie is moving from Texas to Hawaii shortly to take care of her parents.
Rule of thumb is to never judge a dog based on the reputation of their breed. Their loyalty to their owners who raise them with love is priceless.
Thunder was a very faithful dog during his time with my relatives.
I forgot about that fact about dogs.
Another touching heroic story of a dog.
I liked it when Nellie was cured from the snake bite when her owner took her to the veterinarian to be cured. Nellie’s owner is happy that her pet dog can now be hers for life.
I agree. Dogs are as they were raised by the owners. Many do not realize this.
Dogs are like children in the sense that the owner is responsible for raising them to do what is right.
I totally agree with you … no matter which dog breed is, but how the dog was raised …
I remember one dog who is no longer with me who was a mixed breed German Shepherd and Black Labrador who disliked males like myself since his previous owner did abuse him when he was a puppy. The good thing is that dog who was named Thunder and myself get learn to get along for the 10 years he was with me and my relatives.
My son-in-law has a pit bull, she is the sweetest dog ever!
Most Pit Bulls are good dogs if they raised with love and kindness.
I think you’ve hit upon the critical part, raised with love and kindness.
For example my late dog Thunder (1988-1998) had abused by his previous owner. When we first met, Thunder snapped at me since I was male and he thought all males are mean. We later became good friends.
Rescue dogs are the best friends, they have issues such as what your friend did. But treat them right and they return loyalty!
I also prefer big smart dogs!
I also like large dogs that are clever like my late dog Poochie (2006-2019) who was huge and a very clever female dog who had this strange way of getting my attention to tell me “I have to go to the bathroom.” by nudging her nose of her leg or arm.
Totally agree with that, I know a man who had a pit bat that took him for rides in his wheelchair and the dog was so friendly, I would have never known it was a pit ball, dogs are great. Wonderful story
My pleasure to share the good stories of dogs working hard to protect their owners from harm.
dogs are always willing to take one for the team
That is why they are called “Man’s best friend.”
damn skippy. they’re team players all the way. not like cats
That is one thing I did not know about dogs being team players.
they’re pack animals. all pack animals are team players by default…
Agree 100% with your last statement. Pit bulls are unfairly judged.
My former dog who passed away two months ago of old age was a mixture of a Black Lab and Rottweiler was really a nice dog.