
Meet Chloie

Chloie (pronounced klow-ee) is a friend’s pit bull pup. In spite of these dogs’ reputation, I assure you, they are big fat babies which just need proper communication and discipline to keep their behavior in check.

Show us your war-face, pup! 

This dog is so goofy, it actually takes the lifting of MY ENTIRE FINGER to even get this dog to help us confirm she even had any teeth! 

I mean, watch out! She might bite you! If you're a biscuit...and you're soaked in milk. 

If you want to use any of these puppy pictures in artwork or a business card or for some other backdrop, all I ask for is attribution and a link back to this page or at least VerilyVirily.guru 

Also, if you join us, when you share whatever.you make with my pictures, you earn, too. 

Otherwise, bookmark me so you can check out what else I will have in the future!

This was, perhaps, the most excitement I have seen all day, when a flea made themselves known of, on Chloie's ear. 

I didn't know if the dog had time-traveled or phased out of this dimension or what, with as fast as her leg was going. 

As you can see by the picture, she all but went invisble.


What do you think?

Written by DonaldPennington