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How to take a portrait photo of animals and birds?

Have you ever looked at a portrait photo and couldn’t look away from it? You just can’t! Have you ever wondered what makes her so magnetic?

I don’t know about you, but I often ask myself this question. What makes a portrait really powerful and impactful?

Here are some rules outlined at https://www.wildlifeinbulgaria.com/, WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY – TECHNIQUES AND METHODS that are of great importance for bird and animal photography:

1.Preliminary preparation saves time and effort

2.The best conditions for photos

3. To merge with nature

4.Different animals of the same species – different behavior – a very important factor.

5.Shot Methods and Techniques

6. Good knowledge of wild animals is important

7. Turn the defects into effects

8. In harmony with nature

I can assure you for sure that taking these pictures requires a lot of patience and peace of mind.

I apologize for not posting the whole article, but it is very big.


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by lacho59


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  1. These swans are almost identical, Your photographs are great as usual, lacho59. My daughter took the photo with a cellphone camera and sent them to us on Whatsapp quite some time ago. The female laid eggs and hatched later. I wonder what became of them? thanks for sharing your images.

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