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Appeal for Horse Abandoned In Mud

An appeal for  charitable donations has recently been launched in the UK on behalf of a horse who was cruelly dumped in mud  overnight during a recent storm in Faversham, Kent, England.  The small piebald mare was found in the morning of 13 January by local  landowners: it appears she was dumped off the back of a truck the night before, and became stuck in the mud.  She was struggling all night to free herself.

A local animal rescue centre, Happy Endings Rescue, was called, and a team from there rushed to the scene to help get the pony out of the mud, with help from some local people. The poor animal has been left with severe muscle damage after her struggle to free herself from the boggy trap.

The co-founder of the charity in question, Chris Jones, said: “It is obvious she had been tipped off the back of a vehicle, such as a truck, since there were only tyre tracks on the ground, no hoof prints.  Therefore it is clear she didn’t get to that place by herself. “ (Quoted on website, 16 January 2020).

He went on to comment on  what a terrifying ordeal it must have been for the poor mare. “To leave an animal to die in these conditions is beyond cruel. “ (Quote as above).

The pony has been named Cecilia, after the popular Simon and Garfunkel song, because she was “breaking the hearts” of all who saw her.  Two vets and two nurses worked for around four hours to give her a hot bath and wash all of the mud from her.  Cecilia, who is believed to be around 7 years of age,  is currently receiving treatment: she has had blood tests, been given fluids, and being treated for an eye ulcer.

The charity head pointed out how needlessly inhumane it was to do something like this to an animal, to abandon them in such a way; the previous owner could have left her in the vicinity of a stable or rescue centre where she would have been found. By being dumped in a load of sticky mud in this way, they made her suffer more, due to the injuries she sustained from trying to get out of the boggy trench.

The rescue organisation is appealing for funds to help with Cecilia’s treatment. The road to recovery  is likely to be long and expensive, and Happy Rescue is a small charity with few funds to spare.

If you are able to donate at all, please click here:

Picture courtesy of


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Written by Maggie Bailey


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  1. Thank you for your votes and comments RasmaSandra and Carol DM. Sad to say, the horse has since died :-(. If you click on the Justgiving donation page, they give an update on her progress – they couldn’t ultimately save her, as she had been neglected for so long, and being dumped the way that way was the final shock to her system. However, at least she was rescued and had some love and care before she died for a few days, so that is something. It’s still worth people donating to this charity if they can, as they can then hopefully save more horses in the future. It is quite a big problem apparently, horses being neglected and abandoned like this so that is why I am trying to raise awareness in this way.

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