June 17, 2017, 8:47:24 AM
As The Castle Grounds called out for it’s morning caress, The Castle Court joyfully pranced about the shores of, The Cataraqui Creek Conservation in Kingston Ontario Canada. They scurried about, enjoying the warm morning air and the scents of spring, as flowers blossomed flaunting their beauty for all to behold.
” May the scents of spring , and blossoming flowers , be an adventure traveled , by you and your court. ”
Enjoy my family and friends!
Thought he was showing off for the camera , myself . For as I raised the camera , so did he for the picture . LOL !!!
Thank you for your pause upon this chapter M’Lady .
That’s what your heart wants your Gary to be
Our walk was one of joy M’Lady , I thank you for these moments we shared .
Love your Castle Court! Delightfully described :).
Your words of passion upon my description , cause my cheeks to blush . I thank you M’Lady , for the moments we shared .
What a cool shot!
Thank you M’Lady for the walk we shared . I am glad that while upon The Castle Grounds , your visions were ones of fascination , and that they will intriguingly draw you back… , to The Castle Grounds .
Your writing is very poetic. The photo is superb! Wishing the same to you. Have a great day and enjoy!
Thank you M’Lady for your moments graced upon this chapter . I look forward to the future walks we will share , and the conversations , that will arise .
Love the Rabbit! Happy Days!
Days of bliss , no worries , just moments for future thought . Thank you for your pause M’Lady .
Hello heart full of joy
Greetings, adventurous friends
May your happiness always be abundant
And refreshing all friends.
Thank you M’Knight , for such kind words . I look forward to the walks we will share upon the chapter we post .
” May the Lunar Knight , guard your evening slumber , and The Fiery Phoenix blaze your day’s adventurous path . “
Great post
Thank you M’Lady . I am glad we share these moments , once again .
i like that bunny
Thank you M’Knight , for your words passion , bestowed upon this chapter .
Have a beautiful day!
Thank you . May your day be one of joy , throughout your travels , be it near or far .
Happy day
Thank you M’Lady . May your day be one of happiness and joy .