He had a little fox terrier friend called, Salty. The pair were utterly inseparable. In the cold wet winters of the Western Cape, these two would look for the warmest spot outside in the pale winter sun. Pepper would get an instant white and black spotted shawl, (Salty) draped over his shoulders and She, salty, would get a nicely padded “carpet pug to lie on. We thought it was hilarious, to them it was just being normal.
Sadly they both crossed over the “pet-bridge” and are waiting for us there.
Yes, he was quite unique we loved him a lot.
Its true Story you shair….
Yes Ghulam, 100% true. Thanks for reading and commenting.
the memories of pets no longer with us, can be a good and a bad thing.
Unfortunately, Doc, 90% of the time they will die and our hearts will be broken. Remedy, don’t have pets, period! Or give them lots and lots of love if you do have them.
i know that personally, I’ve tried not having dogs and having dogs. The amount of love you get for 10, 12, 14 or more years is so much more than we can imagine. You can never have too much love.
A nice story and a sad ending.
I’m sorry.
Hello Robin, so sorry about not replying sooner, our Internet is constantly down due to installation of the Fiber network in South-Africa. As it turns out, we would have been better off with the old cable system when the only thing we had to worry about was copper-cable theft. Thanks for reading and commenting. Regards-Andre’
Hope the condition will heal.
Many regards Andre.
It is really sad news you shared…
Sorry Witty, I never answered anyone six months ago because the Internet was extremely erratic back then. Thanks for reading and commenting.
I am so sorry for your loss. I love your description of your pets , they sound so adorable.
Pepper is adorable. Interesting that pugs get this most worried look on their faces. I am sure they’re both waiting for you on the other side and in the meantime having great fun chasing butterflies.
Hello Sandra, I noticed, this page I didn’t get to reply to. So sorry about that. I’m sure you are right about how they are spending their time on the other side, God bless you. Regards-Andre’